Cornea Reports Uptick in Trade

UUNN Newswire

(Cornea Station) The station that some consider to be Solrain’s backwater had a brief burst of excitement today. Details of some commotion on the flight deck were reported by an anonymous source, but when asked, Cornea based Pilot Liaison Troiga del Babon was quick to point out that though there were several more traders than usual, nothing all that interesting happened in or around Cornea.

“A few more ships dock than normal, and then some out of practice deck hands knock over some crates, and everyone starts running everywhere talking about the sky falling. Calm down people. This isn’t news. Did Tmolus call you? Because I know I did not, and would not have wasted your time.”

Duel of Accession: In Depth

by Fence

(Octavius Core) In a rather surprising turn of events, Ares Prime Consul Tesios Muca has issued a formal declaration of his Intent to Duel against heir apparent Venticus Marius, and therein he selected the Phoenix fighter as the weapon of choice for the Duel of Accession slated to for 20:30 UTC this Wed at Oct Core sector. But, pilots of other factions may be wondering what this is all about. UUNN caught up with a staff member of the Legate Historian of Ares Prime, Dina Zagabi, for a simple explanation of why this Intent is so unusual:

Simple? Ridiculous. But I will try to sum up…

Following some of our most ancient traditions here on Ares Prime, Venticus Marius, the son and heir apparent of the deceased Emperor Clements IV, must duel the current sitting Consul. He must do this because there is no other blood heir with an equal claim to the throne to challenge him. This type of Duel is typically a non-lethal matter of routine passing, unworthy of note–another Royal banquet during the Coronation Cycle.

However, by issuing his Intent so quickly, Consul Muca has openly declared that he intends to win the Duel of Accession and claim the throne for himself. There’s not been such a controversial Accession on Ares Prime for 150 years, which I’m sure your more literate readers will remember as the Strife that tore poor Maritus and Cinatus away from their True Emperor.

UUNN research indicates that legally the first combatant to issue an Intent has the right of weapon selection. Spacecraft have not been chosen as the weapon in living memory, but records show that starfighters have been used many times over the thousands of years of recorded Octavian history. Considering the method of Clement’s demise, we must assume the escape pods will receive priority attention and security. So clearly Consul Muca selected a non-lethal weapon. Yet his issuing an Intent at all indicates that he plans to take the fight seriously.

The typical outcome is little more than a formality where the experienced but aging Consul–after losing gracefully to the youthful heir–retains his position throughout his twilight years as one of the new Emperor’s most trusted advisers. This seems unlikely now. In fact, according to combat experts, the outcome seems highly uncertain: the Consul could certainly not stand against Venticus’ skill with a longknife, but experience is often a boon in the cockpit. And political analysts are unsure if the Consul has the support structure to make good his claim to the throne even if he does win the Duel. If Octavian history teaches us anything, it’s that tradition and ancient legalities are often not enough to overcome the practical strength of “boots on the ground.”

For more information about the sources of the Duel tradition, see article on TRI Datalink.

Duel of Accession Slated for Wednesday

UUNN Newswire

(Ares Prime) Consul Tesios Muca has issued a formal declaration of his Intent to Duel against heir apparent Venticus Marius. Muca has selected the Phoenix fighter as the weapon of choice for the traditional Duel of Accession. The duel is slated to begin at 20:30 UTC this Wednesday, 115.06.03, outside of Octavius Core station. All pilots are welcome to attend as witnesses of this momentous part of the Coronation Cycle.

Consul Muca’s office has released this brief statement:

Clements was my liege and my friend. I’ve known Venticus his whole life, and esteem him as highly as if he were my own son. But this is a pivotal time for the Empire. If we are to survive, our Emperor must prove to himself, to our people, and to our enemies that he is worthy of the Throne.

UUNN has been notified that security will be tight, and a no tolerance policy will be in effect for anyone interfering with the traditional duel.

STCC Distances Itself from SOL NAVY Assassins

UUNN Newswire

(Wake Station) In a prepared speech today at 22:45 UTC, STCC Speaker Demeter Garreth said that the members of SOL NAVY who assassinated Octavius Emperor Clements IV this past Friday did so without the knowledge or sanction of Solrain Authorities.  Garreth, however, stopped short of apologizing to Octavius or suing for peace, saying, “But as we have done many times before, we will FIGHT this war.  And the bottom line is this: we will WIN. Because we ARE SOLRAIN!”

In addition to disavowing all connection to SOL NAVY, the STCC moved to cut Sol PR in half for each member of that squad.

Complete text of the Garreth speech is as follows:

On Friday 115.5.22, two pilots from a squad called SOL NAVY attacked and killed one of the Octavius Emperors.  Today, we are at war.  A war started by self-indulgent fools.

A war WE did not choose.  A war that will bring NO PROFIT.

I have no great love for Octavius, but war is something waged carefully … thoughtfully … with an eye toward the balance sheet always.  This war today is just BAD business.

But as we have done many times before, we will FIGHT this war.  And the bottom line is this: we will WIN. Because we ARE SOLRAIN!

But let me make this clear to all factions and all corporations:

SOL NAVY is NOT our navy.

SOL NAVY is NOT our agent.

Sol NAVY did NOT act with STCC authorization.

Frankly, I think their tactics and their philosophy might be better suited to Hyperial than to Solrain.

So just as all of Solrain is saddled with the actions of these few extremists; the STCC has decided that ALL members of SOL NAVY will be held accountable.

We have resolved that all members of SOL NAVY will have their political ratings reduced by a half.

Now lets the rest of us prepare for what is to come, for I know well that Octavius will not see this as adequate recompense for their loss.

Octavius Cancels Feast of the Fallen Day #2 Festivity

UUNN Newswire

(Ares Prime)  Tesios Muca, Consul for Ares Prime, announced that the “Tasz Hunts” scheduled as part of the festivities for The Feast of the Fallen, will be canceled.  When Muca was asked about the condition of Emperor Clements IV,  Muca stared at the questioner for a moment, then growled, “he’s alive.”

The Emperor’s ship was shot down yesterday just before he was about to begin The Recitation of Heroes and there had been rumors that his LifePod(tm) had been sabotaged.

SOL NAVY Assassination Attempt

by Fence

(Octavius Core) This first picture says it all:


While we are still trying to uncover details of the situation, there was definitely a coordinated attempt on the life of Emperor Clements IV earlier today. As yet, there is no official word from Ares Prime, but persons on the scene reported that the pod retrieval sequence at Oct Core station was not of the typical variety that the station sees on a daily basis.

In the minutes leading up to the planned opening speech for the Recitation of Heroes (part of this year’s Feast of the Fallen which was hosted by Clements) it was noted that nearly all of Oct space’s beacons were tuned blue.


When the Emperor flew up to Oct Core from Ares Prime unescorted, he was immediately attacked by Solrain Military members Mendax and polytope of squad SOL NAVY. Though he evaded for a few minutes, no one loyal to Octavius was present to assist him. The lack of Octavian support certainly seemed curious, as did the Emperor’s instance in approaching the unfriendly scene outside Oct Core.

Another member of SOL NAVY, pilot entrope claimed on f5:chat that it was indeed a bona fide assassination attempt.


Emperor Cineon of Cinatus, last year’s event host, was quick to condemn the attack and promised a diplomatic outreach to the STCC.


The Solrain Military system immediately slapped polytope with demerits per the standing TRI/Factional Military rules of engagement of civilians by MT tagged craft, and the Octavian Faction reduced both pilots Oct PR to -125, thus forcibly changing their ship registry to Pirate.


Note that the squad SOL NAVY is fairly new to TRI space, and is not related to traditional Solrain factionalists -Sol- Navy, founded by Pyldrvr.


Clements IV Shot Down at Recitation of Heroes Ceremony

UUNN Newswire

(Octavius Core) The Phoenix fighter of Clements IV, one of the Octavius Imperial Triune, was shot down today as he prepared to begin the annual Recitation of Heroes.  Before the ceremony even began, the Emperor was attacked by Solrain pilots Mendax and polytope of squad SOL NAVY.  Mk.II Defense Droids were dispatched from Octavius Core Station, but not soon enough to prevent Clements’ ship from being destroyed.

While Emperor Cineon made a brief statement decrying the attack, there has been no official word from Octavius regarding the political situation or the condition of Emperor Clements IV.

The STCC declined to make a statement until more facts could be gathered.

Lexxor Denies Morningstar Modifications

UUNN Newswire

Lexxor Intelligence has released the following statement regarding the theft of modified Morningstar missiles from Hyperial.

Lexxor Intelligence takes great pride in our Morningstar missile system. We believe pilots have found the Morningstar to be a premium missile and had not authorized any modifications or enhancements to that system — nor do we plan to in the future.

We are investigating who may have initiated the rumors regarding the modified missiles and will be pursuing legal avenues available to us, to ensure that the individual or individuals responsible for these fabrications are punished to the fullest extent.

Kelton Released. Morningstar Mystery Continues.

by Thane Carios

(Hyperial Station) Garrod Kelton was released early this morning after intensive questioning by Hyperial Security Services (HSS) about his possible role in the theft of experimentally-modified Morningstar missiles from Hyperial.  Kelton became an immediate suspect when he launched from Hyperial in a Solrain Pioneer tow at approximately the same time the theft of the missiles was reported by Hyperial.  But although he is Lexxor’s Assistant Product Manager for the Morningstar product line, Kelton was apparently not aware-of or involved-with the experimental modifcation product.

Lexxor Intelligence has refused all interview requests and has declined to make a statement about the theft or the modification project.

“I went to the scene of the destruction of Kelton’s ship and recovered some very minor debris,” said TRI Security pilot Thadeus “Ace” Adder.  “There was a fair amount of Uranium so it’s pretty clear he was hauling that.  There was also a mission disk but that got pretty mangled.  We still have guys working on it, though.  As far as Morningstar missiles, we found nothing, but that’s not surprising.  The missiles would have detonated when the ship exploded.  Frankly, I would have been shocked to find any missile debris even from a full load of ’em in cargo.”

When asked about Kelton’s release, Adder said, “Hey, that’s a Hyperial call.  The theft was there; his pod returned there; he has his home there.  But from what I’ve seen, there’s no hard evidence that he was doing anything other than trying to make a few extra bucks hauling Uranium from Hyperial to Wake.”