Quantar Kicks-offs Big Mining Holiday — with No Mining Events!

by Yaz Shanndar

(Quantar Core Station)  A’Quina Meniokee, Vazir for the Fahil Mem’ta, opened the annual Miners Days holiday on Quantar Core Station, today.  And while the crowd was in a celebratory mood, the Vazir was a bit more pensive.

“Shalim Children of Hamalzah!  Today we gather here at the site of Mehr Limi’im — our Great Mother.  She sustained us through very dark times and we gather here again in this troubled time where fewer and fewer pilots traverse the Skein, and now our miners find themselves unable to harvest the gifts we have been given.  Strange things are afoot and we look to Hamalzah to light a path for us to follow.

“Let us trust in His guiding hand as we, together, strive to unravel this mystery.”

“Rakham Hamalzaat!”

The traditional reading of the Parable of Karadron was broadcast shortly after the Vazir’s opening speech:

There have been no announcements of any other holiday events at this point.  Last year, all events were held dirtside.

Infestation Overload

by Thane Carios

(Outpost Station)  Infestations have been popping up across space with increased frequency over the past couple of weeks — with some of them seeming impregnable.  What make this current flurry even more unusual is that there have been no reports of sentient conflux seeding or defending the infestations.infest2

“Something is definitely going on here,” said Carlo Adiar, the head of Conflux Studies for TRI-DEF (TRI Corporation, Defense & Security Division).  “And it’s not good.  We’re seeing infestations on the increase and nuke stocks on the decrease.  Pilots better get after this quickly or we’re going to have a problem.” Continue reading

Posthumous Honors Conferred on FS_Falcon

UUNN Newswire

(Quantar Core)  On 118.8.5 pilot FS_Falcon passed from this life.  A Quantar Optimus, FS_Falcon led the squad Fatal Shadows (a multi-factional squad) for many years and was medalsa pillar of The Reconstruction.  In recognition of his long history of contributions both as an individual and as a leader, he has now been awarded both the TRI Order of Merit and Hamalzah’s Divine Grace.

In addition, the Echoes of Hope is being awarded to pilot ShapeShift for his efforts in organizing and running the memorial for this pilot who touched many lives.

Continue reading

Quantar Called to Vote for “Shahir Assad”

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  The following was released today from the Office of the Tahirs:

We Quantar are walkers of many paths:  miners and philosophers … zealots and diplomats … warriors, scientists,  evangelists.   Each have their place within our society and within our history.  The Fa’hil Memta calls on all people of Quantar to vote for a Quantar Masafiir (jump-pilot) – past or present – a Shahir Assad, the shining lion, embodying the very best of our culture, our religion and our race.


Voting will close at the end of the Miners Days Holiday (midnight UTC on 118.9.2), so do not wait – vote now.  It will only take a moment.

Quantar Releases Mission Findings

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  The Office of the Tahirs has released the following statement:

We have to thank all of the pilots who contributed their valuable time to our recent mission to reprogram certain beacons to try to determine why mined asteroids are not cooling.  The data gathered has been invaluable as we have been able to start to understand what is going on.

The asteroids are not cooling because they are actually vibrating.  It is hardly discernible, and the vibrations are at very high frequency.  What we still do not know at all is what is causing the vibration and how to stop it.

Additional missions may be required.

The (Unregulated) Update

unregulated-updateVol. II, No. 7 – by Ares Kiden

“Not Cool”

This issue, it’s all about the ‘roids.  On 7.20 reports started coming in that ‘roids were not cooling after being mined.  It’s kind of a big deal since that will push miners into deeper and more dangerous territory REAL fast.  Quantar Kicked off an FM almost immediately, having pilots re-program beacons in a number of sectors in an attempt to gather data.  Hyperial then (of course) scoffed at the Quantar mission and launched a data gathering mission of its own.

The real puzzle here is why asteroids would suddenly stop cooling after they are heated during mining.  The extraction wave, which was invented by Venurian Prospecting in 89 AT, causes asteroids to heat up as they are mined.  The frigid temperature in space should cool the asteroids back down — as it has for the last 29 years.  But something has changed.  The temperature in space has not.  Mining equipment apparently has not.

The enigma remains.

The Quant mission was finished on 8/11, but no word yet on whether there are any tangible results.  The Hyperial mission is still in progress.

And that’s it.  No more news.  GO MAKE SOME!

Launch Systems Down; TRI Scrambles to Resolve

UUNN Newswire

(Solrain Core)  TRI Corporation has released the following statement:


All station launch systems are non-operational at this time.  Pods have been successfully recovered from all ships that were in-flight at the time of the system failure and there has been no loss of life.  Director Yelda Mossad and her Station Systems & Maintenance engineers are working to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.