STCC Confirms Existence Of Pre-Collapse Citizens

TRINN Archives

by Alexa A’vros

Solrain Core (TRI-FP) – In a statement released to TRINN this morning, the STCC has confirmed the bizarre story of pilot Drayvn and his friend Kyn Nei, who was murdered late last week.

“The STCC has been working closely*with the survivors to help them integrate into modern society, and we were shocked and outraged to hear of Kyn Nei’s murder,” stated Minister of Citizenry Aljia Keval. “These people have gone through enough pain and suffering, between their original diseases, and the failed attempts to destroy their cryosleep chamber.”

The Fa’hil Memta has also responded with a brief statement.

“The balance of power between the three factions maintains the relative peace for all citizens,” stated Tahir Queliar Neamru. “The Fa’hil Memta can not, and will not allow one faction to gain a significant technological advantage over the other two. The potential knowledge available to Solrain from these pre collapse survivors threatened that balance,
and so, with the help of the Octavian Empire, direct action against the cryosleep chamber was authorized. However, if the amnesia suffered by the survivors is indeed genuine, then we see no need to take further direct action in this matter.”

The story reported by ZeroZ95 was confirmed by Hyperial.

“Although records are sketchy, the timeline outlined by historian ZeroZ95 is correct,” commented Station Governor Graham Talut.  “While Hyperial regrets losing track of the survivors in the chaos following the wars, as soon as practical we worked closely with Samsun’s fledgling biochemical facilities to identify a cure, and arrange repatriation to

“The actions of the Fa’hil Memta and their Octavian lackeys do not
surprise us. The loss of life, both from the original attack, and this recent
murder of Kyn Nei by rabid terrorists, is typical of the extremist tactics
employed by both Quantar and Octavian fanatics.

“Perhaps this episode may convince some TRI pilots that Hyperial is not
the enemy. For that role, they should look closer to home.”

TRINN was unable to extract a formal statement from anyone within the
Octavian government.

Solrain Core Security Reports Suspicious Death

From TRINN Archives
by Alexa A’vros

Solrain Core (TRI-FP) – The body of Kyn Nei was discovered by friends this morning, and declared a suspicious death by Solrain Core station security.

Mr. Nei had recently signed up as a pilot with TRI and was scheduled for genetic modification. After Mr. Nei failed to show up for his appointment, friends went to look for him, and found his charred remains in his room. Security was called shortly afterwards. One of Mr. Nei’s friends, who could not identified, and was sobbing uncontrollably, was reportedly just repeating the phrase “They killed Kyn Nei!”.

Anonymous sources within the STCC suspect the work of the Octavian supremacy group Phoenix Rising.