Pilots Report Blue Roids; Quantar Launches Research Mission

by Thane Carios

(Quantar Core)  Questions started coming in on 118.7.20 according to Quantar Core Station Governor Delphia Neamru.  “We started getting question whether there was a surge of new recruits,” said Governor Neamru.  “All of the roids close to our docking rings were bright blue — usually a sure sign of new pilots.  But as time wore on they stayed blue — and the logs showed that we have not seen any kind or new-recruit influx.”

QC Blue RoidsAsteroids are heated during the mining-laser extraction process.  As they heat, the extraction becomes less and less efficient until at 930 degrees, the extraction process stops altogether, and cannot be resumed until the asteroid has cooled.

“It just doesn’t make sense,” said Third Tahir, Dr. Silar Tashawar, who has degrees in Geology and Economic Petrology, as well as a Ph.D. in Geochemistry from the Jenos School of Mines.  “Space is not any warmer than it was a week ago.  The heating is a very short-term effect of laser extraction.  But obviously there’s some reason … so we have launched a major mission to re-calibrate some beacons to try to determine what’s happening.  We’ve also been scanning and monitoring a number of different rocks … but just not finding anything,” he said, shaking his head.

Although, the non-cooling asteroids first became apparent in Quantar, it appears that most, if not all, other areas of space have been impacted.  Venurian Prospecting, which manufactures most mining lasers in use today, has confirmed that there has been no changes or issues in its mining laser manufacturing process.

The (Unregulated) Update

unregulated-updateVol. II, No. 6 – by Ares Kiden

Oct Core Bombarded by Flux

Oct Core was attacked by Conflux on 7.5 with the station sustaining some minor damage.  Apparently the Conflux attacked outbuildings first, but there has been not official report on any damage there.  They also attacked the station and were trying to do something at the ETP.  This was the largest station attack we have seen in quite some time.  You have to wonder if this was random or if Flux aggression will be ramping up.

Chatty AI

For the first time in a very long time we’ve been hearing from the Amananth Station AI (aka DPDQ).  First in relation to repairing the production for the “inhibitor” (aka antiflux); and later when it apparently scolded RazorsKiss for having someone blow up an old New Dawn area in the station.  The messages were transmitted in hex — which just seems lazy to me. Continue reading

STCC Establishes “Hall of Fame”

by Yaz Shanndar

(Solrain Core)  Premier Demeter Garreth announced today that the STCC has decided to establish a new Reconstruction Days holiday tradition.  Each year, they will open up a poll to name a Solrain pilot — past or present — to the Solrain Hall of Fame.

“We have had so many pilots making contributions of all kinds,” said Garreth.  “It’s time we put their names in lights.”

The poll is OPEN NOW so the STCC encourages you to log in and record your vote by clicking the image below.


“All you do is go to the poll, enter your vote  and enter your call-sign.  It takes about 30 seconds,” said Premier Garreth.  “And while the nominee must be Solrain, ANY pilot for ANY faction is welcome to register a vote!” she added.

The poll will be open through midnight on Sunday 118.7.8.

Conflux Invade Oct Core

by Thane Carios

(Octavius Core)  Octavius Core Station sustained fairly significant damage today when it was attacked by Conflux drones and sentients.

“The attack started around 22:00 when we received alerts that some of the outbuildings were being hit,” said Oct Core Station Governor Hasdrubar Carto.  “Then there were several direct nuke-hits on the station.  Our sensors showed quite a few conflux in-sector, including C0s, 3s, 7s, 14s — and probably others.  There were a lot.”

“One C14 was doing something at the energy transfer port.  I don’t think it was able to damage anything, but we have crews out inspecting the port right now.  It’s a good thing Axiomoon and Utanmadan showed up when they did.  I think things could have been much worse.”

According to Carto, the damage was limited to some external armor and one cargo bay, which took a direct nuke hit.  That bay had contained BCUs, Dreams, Featherfires, Flashfires, Lances, Mauls, Nitrogen and POS Markets.

“I don’t mean to downplay the loss,” said Governor Carto.  “But it could have been much worse.  Most of these things can be replaced easily.”

Mallow Scores Easy Win in Speaker Race

UUNN Newswire

(Solrain Core)  The STCC has announced that Arbin Mallow, the long-time member of the STCC, has won the race for Speaker for Soria by a wide margin, taking 67% of the vote with an extremely-light voter turnout.

Mallow, who has been a member of the STCC since 086, ran a very quiet campaign riding the strength of his substantial connections and political capitol to victory over Aeolsah Radic — the long time aide to Demeter Garreth who was named interim Speaker when Garreth took over as Premier on 6.1.