EEA Files found on Evening’s End

By Kedra Brenari

(Evening’s End)  A cache of encrypted files was found yesterday in a long-sealed area of Evenings End station.   The files are believed to be backups from EEA (Evening’s End Alliance) leader lxholla, left behind when he evacuated the station in the midst of the EEA’s somewhat violent break-up in 102AT.

“This is a fascinating find,” said historian Djoran Karr.  “EEA was a unique group — made up of pilots from all factions with very diverse personalities and reputations.  These files could give us insights into how lxholla managed and recruited-for the alliance … as well as other information on how the alliance was formed and run.”

No attempt has been made to decrypt the files as of yet, but some have suggested Jalil Aq’tamm  who decrypted the somewhat- mysterious DSS found in  Tictacs Hook almost a year ago.

New Medals Finally Unveiled

by Kedra Brenari

(Solrain Core) After waiting nearly a month, some pilots have finally received the medals awarded to them on 115.7.5. The delays were directly related to the fact that the medals awarded are new ones:

captains-commendation The Captain’s Commendation badge is named in honor of pilot Captain Cow who’s enthusiastic support and sponsorship of events is well known throughout space. It is awarded to pilots who’s participation makes space a little better for everyone.

cesium platinum antimony This new medal trio can be awarded by any faction for any type of event. Cesium, Platinum, and Antimony are awarded for first, second, and third place finishes, respectively.

TRI-Corp Public Relations Director Elle Rodan explained, “There vvere unexpectatio issues, as there always are vvith such things. Our most sincere remorsa over the delays is outweighed only by our great propio in the new medal set, especially the CC badge. Again, many congratulations to the vvinners!”

The Solrain Stars that were awarded to pilots Elayne and -Dean- were given to those pilots on the day of the awards ceremony along with other awards mentioned in this article. During the ceremony, Speaker Demeter Garreth gave the following advice:G-quote

We are told by officials in Octavius and Quantar that their criteria is similar for the awarding of the top tiers of factional medals: that is, statistic-based general piloting recognition awards require factional loyalty and solid home faction political rating. However, all factions are willing to award non/multi-factionalist pilots after some discrete and dramatic act of support is rendered to that faction.