One Chapter Closes, A New One Begins

by Jezaret Nolynn

CANIS 9502 (TRI-FP) – Immediately following the completion of the new jumpgate in Aman Hook yesterday, workers and pilots were surprised to discover a large conflux completely covering the gate.

During the evening, pilots in the area took many approaches to the infestation, while TRI met over this new horror. By the time the Research Board arrived to take measurements, pictures and other data, area pilots reported they had mined it, shot at it, dived towards it, tried to go under or through it, but with zero to little progress.

Shortly after Dr. Q’son’s arrival, she received a transmission warning her “not to do anything”, and TRI Defense was on the way to the area. The TRI Enforcer arrived approximately ten minutes later, and “on orders” launched a prototype nuclear device at the infestation, despite warnings from Dr. Q’son about the device being under tested and unpredictable. Upon the failure, he encouraged pilots to shoot at the infestation with missiles. Sometime during the efforts of the pilots, Commander Jamie departed from the area. No comments from TRI Defense were made about this particular event.

Once inside, the pilots were challenged with a few conflux, but not many could have predicted the voice of Aeolsah, long missing Solrain Research Board member, coming from one of the sentient conflux.

Aeolsa(S): “You should’nt have followed me”

Q’son:  “I tried to keep you out,”

Aeolsa(S): “I had to know …”

Q’son:  “Some doors once opened cannot be closed.”

Aeolsa(S):  “I wish you could understand the damage you’re doing.  We were both Children on a path together — but now it has divided and I’m truly sorry.  The Ш-storm is coming now.  Take cover, sister.”

The following sentient attack was vicious, but eventually the sector calmed down for a slight bit of exploration. In what has been billed as a successful “stress test” of the TRI Shuttle shields, Dr. Q’son also held up well under fire by both pilot and flux.

* * *

Dr. Q’son, Conflux Specialist, had just a few comments about yesterday, and Conflux in general.

“So many pilots have worked with us over the months – Aewl, GrimFalcon – it would be difficult to begin a list without leaving some out. Dozens of pilots came out last night to assist, and we appreciate all of their hard work. I would like to thank Nully for his hard work by offering to serve as protection, too.

“We can confirm Aeolsah has been assimilated by the conflux, and as such, was destroyed last night during the battle. As a sentient conflux last night, he spoke to us.  That sentient, had strings of human DNA. We used this to verify his identity.  But it is very hard to say how much of Aeosah was left there.

Although one chapter of our search has now closed.  Even in death Aeolsah has provided us with valuable data. He may provide the key to unlocking and opening so many previously-closed doors. For that sacrifice, we are gracious, and will continue on with his work as much as possible.

“The conflux use biological ‘living technology’. This is not a common known fact, however in light of the events last evening, it certainly is relevant and ought to be mentioned. Illustrated by Aeolsah last night, we now know the Conflux can assimilate other life forms, in addition to infesting nonliving material such as jumpgates. From this, we have seen assimilation is not partial, it is complete – the entire person, the entire gate. As this has been the first incident of gate infestation by a conflux, we were able to gather much data, yet unable to determine the direct nature of how the infestation was brought upon, or what factors attracted the conflux to this particular gate. With the data I got, combined with the first hand witness reports of the appearance we collected yesterday, I do some have preliminary theories, but no firm data to back them up. Yet.

“As a side note, the infestation was destroyed not via TRI, but through the relentless efforts of many pilots. We know at this time missiles are the most effective tools pilots have at their disposal against infestations. One thing we found noteworthy was the various noises stemming from the gate as pilots shot at and into it. Did they feel it? Yes, conflux feel. What they feel, we don’t know. Do conflux feel pain? As we know that we may be able to trigger responses from them, possibly, however, I would not go so far as to describe these behaviors as ‘joy’ or ‘sadness’, or even ‘pain’. To us, at this time it is just noise. Unfortunately, for all we know they could be saying ‘is that really as hard as you can hit?’ We certainly did not encounter a violent reaction from the infestation when we shot at it. It is our goal to provide a clearer translation of conflux transmission, with the able assistance of Dr. Calsux.

“Until we have more data and some way to predict what gates are susceptible to this phenomenon, I would speculate any gate is at risk for this type of infestation, with a higher likelihood of those sectors with anomalies… did that answer your question?”

According to the Research Board, Dr. Q’son is expected to take on many of Aeolsah’s Conflux associated projects. “Aeolsah was one of our most valuable employees, and although much data has been lost with him, we are confident our Conflux Division within the Research Board can continue on under the leadership of Dr. Q’son. Our sympathies and warm thoughts go out to Aeolsah’s family during this heartbreaking time,” commented Nevin Yrral. A short, private memorial service is expected for Monday.

Also within the new sector, pilots found the remnants of what appeared to be a station, and a large number of higher level Conflux officials have officially labelled “Phocaena”. Clever pilots have tried to work up nicknames for this hard to spell flux, suggesting “Funky”, and “Phocks”. No consensus has been reached yet. Along side the Phocaena, pilots have also reported a weak conflux known as a “Jellyfish” at this time.

“Many dangerous and new things have been unleashed upon our galaxy since the completion of that gate. We advise all pilots to consider travelling in groups for safety, especially through Aman Hook and the new sector” commented TRI Pilot Affairs.

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