New Mining Patch Unveiled

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ) A new patch, RockDoc’s Legacy, was unveiled today.  This patch will be awarded to pilotsmedal1006 (RockDoc's Legacy) participating in official mining events. The patch is named in honor of the late Rockdoctor — the founder and  long-term leader of squad AQM (Ars Quantus Militis).

The first recipients of this patch are pilots Nessos and Radar for their participation in the Karadron’s Quest event during the Miners’ Days 123 holiday.

Empress Wants Statue

UUNN Newswire

(Etruscera, Martius)  According to sources on Martius, Empress Iulia Atreus has decided to commission a statue of herself to replace the statue of Atticus VI just outside Danubia — which she had destroyed shortly after her ascension.

It is not known whether she is accepting proposals only from artists on Martius, from all of Octavius, or from any faction.

Miners’ Days 123 Wrap-up

by Yaz Shanndar

(UUNN HQ)  Miners’ Days 123 kicked off with a pre-holiday Quanus-Ice-Brewing Faction Mission that took just 1 day to complete and each day included celebratory events — two of them sponsored by pilot Hammer-BS.

Day 1 featured the Hammer-BS Mining Trivia Contest.  Pilot Peng took first-honors by answering all five questions correctly plus the bonus question willing him the Seeker of Knowledge award plus 4 million credits.  Pilots Big_Iron and Radar both got 5 out of 5 correct and won the Seeker of Knowledge award plus 3 million credits.  GrimGriz answered 3 out of 5 correctly and Nessos answered 2 of 5 correctly.  They will each receive the Keval’s Thanks award and 1 million credits.

Day 2 of the holiday was highlighted by Karadron’s Quest — and event where pilots spent fours hoursTime to ROCK! exhaustively prospecting and mining in Great Venure Belt sector, submitting coordinates of asteroids not previously listed in popular charts, and included coordinates for Common asteroids as well.  Pilots were awarded points for the numbers or new and corrected coordinates they submitted.  The awards were a sweep by Hammer-BS with Most Overall Points (Spade of Karadron and AB-4); Most New Non-Common discoveries (Seeker of Knowledge and EB-3); and Most New Asteroid coordinates in total (Keval’s Thanks and EB-2).

Pilots Nessos and Radar will receive RockDoc’s Legacy patches for participating in the quest, and GrimGriz, Peng and Sinver will receive Fluxbuster patches for providing flux cover during the event.

The complete list of new and corrected asteroid coordinates for GVB can be found HERE. Continue reading