Hyperial to Remember Rauder

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ) Tomorrow, 122.2.28, Hyperial will once again remember Dr. Kelvin Rauder the controversial President who led the faction from his election in 98AT until his assassination in 109AT. During Rauder’s years in office Lau Bade, a veteran of the Second Quantar War who Quantar called a war criminal, was apponted head of HSS … there was a coup attempt … two Quantar Delegates were abducted — and died during a rescue attempt … and the Letifer Virus was weaponized and used against Quantar as well as members of the Fourth Tribe on Hyperial.

Rauder was also suspected of having connections to the deaths of Brother Io and Dayalu.

All Hyperial businesses and comm networks will shut down on 122.2.28 from 12:00 – 12:15 UTC.