Genetic Analysis Connects Conflux to Extinct Sea Creature

by Thane Carios
(Cornea Station) Sutonia College announced today that the study of sentient conflux biomass by Prof. Athena ShaiDen indicates a genetic connection to the Giant Cephalosian, a long-extinct sea creature on Hypsos.
As noted in Prof. Athena Shaiden’s preliminary report on the genetic analysis of a donated sample of sentient conflux biomass, we have found some genetic markers which may indicate a family-level (“Oegopsina”) connection to the giant cephalosian — a deep sea invertebrate that had been found in Hypsos’ Tethiyan Ocean which has been extinct for more than 100 years. It should be noted that this is very a tenuous connection and that before drawing any conclusions, new, unique sentient biomass extractions — preferrably from different sources — would need to be studied.
The initial sentient conflux biomass samples were collected from a C14 sentient on 123.12.27 by pilot GrimGriz and were donated to Sutonia College by Edgar Reece Industries (E.R.I.).
As far as we know, just one captive (cloned) Cephalosian remains — and it is on display in the docking bay of Hyperial Station. According to our sources, a request by the college to Hyperial for a tissue sample was denied.

The (Unregulated) Update

unregulated-updateVol. IV, No. 1 – by Ares Kiden

Hello again!  UUNN has been quiet so I thought to myself, “Self … why don’t you make some noise again.”  So here goes …

To Antiflux … or NOT to Antiflux ….

Looks like pilots are back on board (somewhat) with rebuilding the Antiflux CP in Amananth.  Repair of the facility was almost complete about a month ago — and then someone comes in and blows it up. Itookacruisebytocheckitoutandthebasic”skeleton seems to have been completed — 28% according to the mission computer.  According to unconfirmed pilot reports, the CP that had just gone live a month agoantiflux cp contruction in process used the “old” antiflux recipe — i.e. they could become fairly cheap and plentiful again.

Apparently that was something the folks at PRI-SEC didn’t like.  It will be interesting to see if they try to disrupt things again.

Maybe the pro-antiflux crew should start setting up 24-hour guard duty or something.

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