Polls Open for Soria Election

UUNN Newswire

sol(Solrain Core Station)  The polls are now open for Citizens of Solrain to elect a new Speaker for the planet Soria.

The incumbent, Arbin Mallow, is finishing up his first term replacing long-time speaker Demeter Garreth, who moved to the Premier’s Office in 120.  Mallow faces two challengers this year.  Dante Savatch, a dark-horse in the race is a System Security Director at T&P and has never held any political office.  The second is a shocker — Chiara Gwen (Sarath) has stepped back into the spotlight after many years.  As the daughter of Dylan Sarath (aka Sarath V), former TRI Council member and former TRI Diplomat, it will be interesting to see how much policital sway she still holds after more than 20 years.

Unlike the Premier, Ministers and Station Governors, who are appointed by the STCC, the three Speakers are democratically elected — one every year (on a rotating basis) for three-year terms.  Most consider Speaker the most powerful political position in Solrain.


Only citizens of Solrain may vote and you may vote just once.  Polls close at the end of the day on 122.7.3.