122.4.30 Marks a Milestone Anniversary

by Thane Carios

(Solrain Core) I remember 112.4.30 . . . spending a late evening, relaxing with a Solrain Stoudt, listening to JPR.  Then everything went black on Solrain Core Station.  We lived in the dark for weeks while engineering teams struggled to get emergency systems back online.  First the air scrubbers.  Then the water processors.  It was a miracle many, many more didn’t die in those dark weeks.

It seems more like a hundred years ago than ten.

To memorialize The Catastrophe once again I’ll offer this recording of Sarath V‘s final speeech on the third anniversary (he died six months later), because I don’t believe any other words would be better.

Given the significance of this anniversary, Solrain has planned no major celebrations this year for it’s annual Alkotó holiday

Flux Hunters Report C30 Sightings

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ) TRI Security (TRI-SEC) has received disturbing reports of C30 Megalodon sightings in Flux space sectors C-2204 and Cynomy’s Passage over the past week. One pilot reported: “It’s a monster! It’s bigger than an Eel and faster than a Stingray. I’d barely jumped into the sector before it was shredding mymegalodon sightings 4.1 armour away. I was lucky to get out.”

So far there have been no images captured and TRI-SEC patrols have come up empty. Anyone sighting a Megalodon should exit the sector immediately and report the sighting to a.trottel_tri-sec@tri-subspace.net

All pilots are urged to avoid C-2204 and Cynomy’s — and to exercise exreme caution in the rest of Conflux space. So far, no C30 Megalodon sightings have been reported outside of Conflux Space sectors.