Rogue Asteroid Hits Evening’s End

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  At 05:12 this morning (Ekoos Time), Evenings End Station was hit by a small rogue asteroid.  Initial reports indicate there were no injuries or structural damage, but power and launch systems were down for approximately 15 minutes.

evenings end 123.4.27

This is the first reported asteroid impact on any station in the last 25 years.

Dorator Drops Tank

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  Dorator Technologies R&D has announced that it is mothballing its DropTank manufacturing facility at Klatschesdorator-logo Hold Station.

“We’re very disappointed to have to shut this facility down,” said Malkev Dorator II, Sr. Vice President of Operations.  “But there’s very little demand for this thing and plenty of supply available.  So the numbers don’t work for us any more.”

Dorator has been manufacturing DropTanks on Klatsches Hold since 119AT and the move to manufacturing on an unregulated station garnered lots of attention, but no others followed suit and the economic slowdown forced production cutbacks and shutdowns.

There are currently more than 1,700 DropTanks available with inventory on every station.

REPORT: Empress Executes Staff Members

UUNN Newswire

(Etruscera, Martius)  Sources say that after flying into a rage, Empress Iulia Atreus personally excuted at least seven members of the Imperial household staff.  It is unknown what sparked the murderous spree and there has been no official word at all from the palace.  The Empress is known to have ordered summary executions in the past for invididuals who crossed her but this is the first report of her personally carrying out an execution.

Further details will be reported as they become available.

Factions Endorse Piracy Protection Act (PPA)

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ) Octavius today joined Solrain and Quantar in endorsing the Piracy Protection Act (PPA). The PPA is designed to encourage more pilots to fly the “Jolly Roger” (i.e. take Pirate Tags) — something that has recently been almost completely missing from space.

The Act will include provisions applicable only to Pirate-tagged vessels:

  • Allowing Pirates five (5) Pay or Die demands per month (provided the amount is less than 4.1% of the target pilot’s total credits)
  • Eliminating permanent bounties for pirates with higher than -36 Political Rating
  • Doubling the speed of the Burglar ModX; and
  • Adding a size 3 ECM slot size to any size Pirate ship (to allow for equipping an Antiflux)

“Pirates have become a completely disenfranchised group,” said STCC member Olof Pilar, who supported the PPA. “Pirates need to be able to make a living wage if they’re going to survive and this Act is the first step in doing that. A greater diversity of Civilian, Mercenary, Pirate and Military pilots makes us stronger.”

The Hyperial Special Representative for the Office of the President, said, “Once again, Hyperial has been excluded.  We believe this is a thinly-disguised attack on Hyperial by weakening our current special-relationship with Pirates.”

As yet there has been no timeline set for implementing the PRA.

In other news, the controversial movment to require Military Tags in order for a ship to mount or haul nuclear missiles has been temporarily tabled.