Pilots Report Infestations

by Thane Carios

(UUNN HQ)  For the first time in over four months, pilots have reported Conflux infestation activity at several points around space.

Infest Map“There does not appear to be any particular patter at this point,” said Carlo Adiar, Assistant Director for Conflux Studies at TRI Corporation (TRI-R/CSD).  “I do not see this as a dangerous incursion at this point … just more of a traffic nuisance.”

When vorlon31 was contacted for an interview about the recent infestations, he simply responded “ALL FLUX MUST DIE.”

TRI Security Releases Statement

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  TRI Security has released the following statement regarding this morning’s hack of TRI Databank.

We have determined that the hacking of TRI Databank this morning was a very minor security breach impacting only the home page for the databank system.  No other data was corrupted and we have found no evidence that any critical systems have been touched.

TRI Databank Hacked

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ)  TRI Databank, which serves as the public access point to TRI Corporation’s extensive cultural, historical and technical archives was apparently hacked today, raising fears that TRI’s systems could have been compromised in even more serious ways.

The hack is a fairly simple graphic with a somewhat ominous message.


TRI Corporation has refused to make a statement until more is known about the situation.

Brotherhood Sponsors Rockhunter Mission

UUNN Newswire

(Quantar Core) The Quantar squad Brotherhood of the Stone is offering a special Miners Days Holiday mission to find new asteroids in any Quantar sectors — with credits awarded for each previously-uncharted non-common asteroid.  The Quantar Tahirs have agreed to double the payouts and to offer a Captain Commendation to each participant, and The Spade of Karadron medal to the pilot with the most qualified finds.

Full details on this squad-sponsored mission can be found on TRI-PLOG.

Quantar Holiday Returns to Its Roots

UUNN Newswire

(Petrios, Quanus) Quantar leaders decided this year to return the ancient Miners’ Days holiday to its roots, which traditionally focused on local, dirtside parades and traditions.

“We just thought it was a time to do something different,” said First Tahir Penjia Neamru.

“For a number of years, we’ve had large, well-publicized events and contests.  And it was a good thing.  But Miners’ Days has very humble roots.  Spontaneous local parades are the true Quani tradition — with miners putting away their tools for the day, and marching through streets singing traditional miners’ reels, and carrying ceremonial shovels, chisels or picks (which are often heirlooms handed down for generations). It’s just a day of good-natured revelry with family, friends and neighbors,” she added.

The First Tahir did point out that a Faction Mission for the holiday was launched, and that Temples in all cities, town and stations will be performing the traditional Blessing of the Shovels and having readings of the Parable of Karadron.