The (Unregulated) Update

unregulated-updateVol. IV, No. 1 – by Ares Kiden

Hello again!  UUNN has been quiet so I thought to myself, “Self … why don’t you make some noise again.”  So here goes …

To Antiflux … or NOT to Antiflux ….

Looks like pilots are back on board (somewhat) with rebuilding the Antiflux CP in Amananth.  Repair of the facility was almost complete about a month ago — and then someone comes in and blows it up. Itookacruisebytocheckitoutandthebasic”skeleton seems to have been completed — 28% according to the mission computer.  According to unconfirmed pilot reports, the CP that had just gone live a month agoantiflux cp contruction in process used the “old” antiflux recipe — i.e. they could become fairly cheap and plentiful again.

Apparently that was something the folks at PRI-SEC didn’t like.  It will be interesting to see if they try to disrupt things again.

Maybe the pro-antiflux crew should start setting up 24-hour guard duty or something.

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Hyperial Kicks off Faction Mission to Build new Antiflux CP

UUNN Newswire

(UUNN HQ) Hyperial shocked many today with the announcement that they have initiated a mission to build a new Antiflux facility, claiming “We have done what Amananth coud not.”

Antiflux production capabillity at Amananth was destroyed on 117.2.11. There were multiple attempts to restart production but all were unsuccessful. While many blamed a conflux attack, the exact causes of the explosions both within Amananth Station and outside the station in the Antiflux CP were neve determined.

Hyperial has declined further statements at this time.

Sentient Attack Damages Antiflux CP

Thane Carios

(Amananth)  Multiple C-17 bombing runs on the Antiflux Custom Producer in Amananth sector resulted in moderate damage to the building.

The attack began around 21:00 UTC and continued for nearly an hour.  The C-17 sentient bombers were accompanied by waves of drone Conflux making it difficult for the small defense force to stop the bombing runs, but several sentients were destroyed during the incursion.

“Unfortunately we were late to the party,” said TRI-SEC Enforcer pilot Thaddeus ‘Ace’ Adder.  “Damage levels were at about 70% — which is not too bad, but it does take the CP out of commission until repairs can be completed.”

Pilots are encouraged to use Repair Beams to help repair the facility.